What can we learn from a survey on “Children’s Media Use in America 2013”?

The Zero to Eight: Children’s Media Use in America 2013 was the second in a series of surveys conducted by Common Sense Media. The surveys were designed to document the media environments and behaviors of children up to 8 years ol. “By replicating methods used two years previously, they were able to see what changes, if any, had occurred. You can visit their research page to download the full report.

The amazing growth of mobile media will keep all those in the education field on their toes. I work in a secondary school and we need to take into account the expertise and skill levels of students as they come to us from the primary schools. We all need to look at what we want students to learn and use the best possible means available to assist that.

The infographic below  helps to understand the way the trends are heading. The infographic below breaks down and creates a useful visualisation of some of the important data obtained. Although it is from the US, I think that data obtained here in Australia would be very similar, especially going on some of the results of “straw polls” and talking with our students.


What does this mean for me as a teacher librarian?

I believe that the role of the teacher librarian will focus on teaching students how search properly through the vast amount information available and  then to evaluate the value of that information.

There is another role that libraries, and their staff, are starting to take on, that of being part of the makerspaces movement. Young people have been using library resources as consumers for a long time. Information is growing exponentially, especially as anyone now has access to digital tools for creation and publication. It is becoming important for students to learn how this information production works and how to become a part of this information society.

The library can support the students to become producers. In the past students produced written pieces of work to explain what they garnered from their research. Today in the digital age we can add many more options  and students can create digital artifacts such videos, websites, blogs and e-learning objects. The library can have a role in this as well by assisting students in the production process of these digital artifacts. This could be helping with the choice of the medium e.g.  paper or 3D artifacts, audio, video or web. The library could also assist by providing space, such as recording or editing spaces, and equipment such as cameras, microphones and editing software.  

Much of this fits in neatly with project-based learningThere many teachers who are starting to prefer the PBL approach in schools. PBL is “an instructional approach built upon authentic learning activities that engage student interest and motivation. These activities are designed to answer a question or solve a problem and generally reflect the types of learning and work people do in the everyday world outside the classroom.” taken from PBL Online. This type of learning is right up my alley!

Useful sites (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

On-line learning and Classroom Innovation

After the first 3 terms this year I reflected back on how some teachers are doing some really engaging things in the classroom with their students. Many others are not really taking up the challenges and part if this can be down to just how determined you are to make the technology work. There have been many times this year when simple things have been made harder due to infrastructure glitches and shortcomings. Next term we will still need to encourage colleagues to persevere, citing reasons for the hard work it may take to set things up.

Two interesting videos, worth a look are below:

As part of Education Week in the US  Harvard University Professor Chris Dede discusses the potential for online learning to drive innovation in the classroom.

–And also one from the president and chief executive officer of the International Association for K-12 Online Learning talks at NECC ’09 about the drive to improve virtual learning in K-12 schools.

Useful Links (weekly)



Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Digital citizenship and the choices we make


I am an advocate of using technologies in the classroom. Recently in a discussion about the classroom use of Web2.0 technologies and social media, someone said to me “but what happens if a student does the wrong thing and goes to an inappropriate (porn) site? How can you justify these technologies when this might happen?” My answer was that students can and do make mistakes. In fact we all do! I do not see this as a reason for banning, blocking or heavily filtering digital media or in fact trying to build a barrier between the classroom and the rest of the world!

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Uploaded to Flickr by maquack

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